Today, I am gonna write a review about cotton puffs/pads. YES! YOU HEAR IT RIGHT! COTTON PADS! I think you are now wondering why I bother to do a review about cotton pads. Basically, you use cotton pads mostly to remove your make up or applying your toner and other skin care products. Whatever pads does not matter since it just pads. That was my thought too, until I am stumbled upon this. I was running out of my cotton pads, I usually only buy pads that is on sale which happens quite often. At that time, I was at Daiso, just to buy some random things, then I saw this Cotton Puff and I think why not just bought it since it's just 22.000 IDR for 180 pads? (You'll got 2 boxes containing 90 pads).

Say about the packaging, it's in the box that you can actually close it again after you take the pads you need. It's so neat and practical! I love it! and it's actually keep your cotton pads from all dirts compared to just plastic packaging of regular cotton pads.
About the pads themselves. Each individual pads have the edges sealed so the pads don't seperate or tear easily which I find always happens with regular pads. I should say IT SUCKS when it happens! It holds up really well so I don't need to take new pad if not neccessary. So I'm really glad about it. The thickness is also not as thick as regular pads, it is so thin (and the seal helps to maintain this thinness as well) that it does not absorb too much product to the cotton as suppose to put it on our skin.

Also, one thing that is unique is both side of the surface is layered with somewhat type of bandages fabric. I think it is so cool and actually helps the pads not to tear up easily.

The texture it so soft! Some regular pads might have a too rough surface for your skin, especially if you use it for removing makeup or cleaning your face. The size of the pads also slightly wider than regular pads, this pads is 5 cm x 6 cm in size. It helps to remove my make up faster as it covers more area, or helps applying my skin care as well. The size also comes in handy in applying skin care. I usually put my ring and index finger at the edge and using my middle finger at the other side lightly of the cotton just to hold it better. I don't like to put too much finger or skin surface of my hands on the middle of the pads where I put my products. It feels like the product absorbed into my skin of my hands/fingers rather than into my face skin.
With this cotton pads, when I applying my skin care, I usually open up from one edge and seperate the bandage like surface as the picture above, put my two fingers in, spread it to each side and pouring the products in the centre of the pads on the other side of surface. This way, no need of the third finger to hold the pads so less product absorbed to my skin of my hands.

- Wider/Larger surface to covers more area when applying products or cleaning my make up.
- Sealed edges make it holds up lots better.
- Thin pads for less waste of products
- Soft surface, will always be better for your skin :3
- Packaging so practical
- The price is a bit higher than regular pads from drugstores, but considering you don't waste products like regular pads and also it holds better (not tears up easily) it works better, IMO. Also, it is not as high price as some nice high end cotton pads.
I really recommend to grab this when you go to Daiso. You can find Daiso in Jakarta at Mall Artha Gading, Kota Kasablanka, Citywalk Sudirman, and other places as well. Those three are the ones that I usually visit. It costs 22.000 IDR for 2 boxes of 90 pads, so you get 180 pads. You don't really need this nonetheless. Regular pads is okay enough, but if you are like me that really gets upset when see my pads tear up easily, then you probably want to try this.
If you know any cotton pads that similar to this or good in your opinion please inform me by leaving a comment below. I would totally like to try.
See you on next post :3
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