So into the review! First, let's appreciate the design of packaging. Mika Ninagawa is such a talented artist!! Love her works so bad! It's just so fun, colorful, and beautiful. But one thing that let me down, the material is a plastic... a common plastic... It feels like cheap plastic, a bit tacky.
Unto the product itself, these are really gorgeous!!!!! I bought the shade 02 because I love peach or orang-ey color so much! Not a big fan of the pink since it is a bit muted for my liking. The orange one consist of bright orange, yellow, and white, swirled into the beautiful if not the most beautiful peach color! I really love this! The pink one is kinda cool toned, especially compared to the orang-ey peach one. The pink consists of a slight warmer dark pink with a very pale pink that swirled into one becoming a cool toned mauvy pink. The pink is gorgeous to, but there are tons of similar pink color. The finish of the peach/orange one is more shimmery than the pink one which more like a satiny finish, still with shimmers but not as much. The pigmentation and staying power is so good, even though the peach/orange one is more pigmented.
Here is the swatches:
With flash:

without flash:

Also, should I say that if you have small enough brush to grab the individual color, you can use like the white and the yellow one for highlight. Especially the white since it is so pigmented, even more pigmented than the white in the heart-full pink palette. Of course you need patience too if you want to use the individual color for something else! Here are some swatches of the individual colors. I tried my best :'D
The orange/peach one (w/wo flash):

The yellow (middle) is not so pigmented but still, if it is one full pan, with decent shade brush. It will become the most gorgeous yellow eyeshadow color!!!!!! OMG Shu! If the yellow is in the collection already, tell me which one! If not, please make one! You have to!
The orange is so beautiful too! Also, the white, as I said, SO PIGMENTED! SO GORGEOUS! SO SHIMMERY!
The pink (w/wo flash):

The first row is actually the pale pink which I believe and sure enough, you can't see it! The second/middle row is the dark pink alone. You can see that it is a bit warmer than the combined color which I swatch on the third row. The pale pink make it cooler tone.
I love this product so much!!! I think Shu Uemura really is my most favorite High-End brand. The one in shade 01 also so gorgeous! If you more into a really natural look, take that one, it is a brown and gold color which is so pretty. The gold actually looked like a white eyeshadow with a bit swirl of color, but swatched, it is the most gorgeous gold color in my opinion. This product is hefty in terms of price, unfortunately. It costed me about 500.000 IDR for a duo palette which is A LOT, and I believe they raise all their products' prices starting last month. Comparing it to the last limited edition palette, the collaboration with Takashi Murakami, which costed me about 950.000 IDR and I get 7 pans of eyeshadown and 1 blush in it. At the end, I have been eyeing for this item LONG AGO before it is released, ever since the blog, Rouge Deluxe, write the news about this limited edition. So yeah, I don't mind it at all even though I should stand all day long on the concert because I bought the cheapest ticket one. LOL. I bought this palette one day before the concert I attended (even though I attended the exhibition of the concert on the same day I bought this palette). It is really lovely to put in your make up bag, whenever you need colour to lift up your day, you can just grab this. Here is the look I wear using this palette:
I use the pink on the lid, orange/peach on the outer part, I take the white color only from the peach/orange pan for highlight my browbone and in the inner corner of my eyes. I also use pale yellow color from my Heart-full Pink Parallel palette on the crease from the center to the inner part.
Okay, I'm gonna rant now! I DON'T KNOW IS THERE BAD LUCK WITH ME AND SHU UEMURA PRODUCTS I HAVE OR SOMEONE PUTS A CURSE ON ME OR WHAT! I, again, ruined it after I take pictures of it. Really, this is the third time this happens, that I ruined my loveliest items in my vanity. First, the heartfull pink parallel palette, the red color, I ruined it accidentally. Second, my shine supreme mon shu red pure lipstick. AND NOW THIS ONE???? I RUINED THE PINK COLOR!!!! OMG, it just broke my heart. But thankfully it is not the peach/orange color because I would be more freaked out. Sorry to sounded so negative but really. It just saddens me. *cries*
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